Human Resource Management (MA)

Master of Arts (MA) offered in On-campus, Online, and Blended formats.

*On-campus format will require some online classes for degree completion.

St. Charles / St. Louis
Human Resources Management Master’s Degree Program

HLC Accredited

HLC Accredited

Test Optional

GRE Requirement Waived

Online or On-Campus

Online or On-Campus

Missouri Master's in Human Resources Management

SHRM Aligned Program

Online Master's In Human Resources (HRM)

The Master of Human Resources Management (MA) degree program from 性视界传媒 in St. Charles / St. Louis, Mo. can help you gain the skills to succeed in a leadership role in HR. Students can choose between on-campus and online modalities to fit their lifestyle and responsibilities.

Human resource management (HRM) has become a vital role for businesses in every industry. Through a challenging curriculum founded on practical management concepts, you’ll gain the advanced knowledge necessary to support and manage an organization’s human resources department.

You will learn from knowledgeable professionals who will teach you key areas such as recruiting, hiring, performance management, benefits, and more. This St. Charles / St. Louis Human Resource Master of Arts (MA) degree program provides practical, real-life situational experiences for different employment settings, including non-profit organizations, service industries, manufacturing, and government.

Businesses everywhere need human resources expertise. Professionals in these roles perform the essential tasks of maintaining staff and enforcing comfortable and safe work environments.

Degree Requirements

Master's Degree in HR

To earn a Master of Arts degree in human resource management (HRM), the student must complete the following degree requirements:

Foundation Courses: When a MA in HRM student’s undergraduate degree was not in business or the student’s undergraduate and/or post graduate work did not contain sufficient business coursework, the student may be required to take additional foundation courses in order to meet MA program standards. Students must have sufficient hours in the following courses to satisfy this degree requirement. For those students who need to take additional Foundation coursework the following courses would be required as part of their MA program requirements:

St. Louis Master's in Human Resources

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