Graduate Certificate offered in On-campus, Online, and Blended formats.

*On-campus format will require some online classes for degree completion.

Supply chain management acumen is critical in many executive suites – it is the linkage between a firm’s operation, its supplier base, and its distribution channel partners.  Students opting to learn the fundamentals of this in-demand business discipline, without pursuing a full Masters degree, are encouraged to pursue the graduate certificate. In this certificate program, you will learn operations management, procurement management, logistics management, and of course, the integration of these functions, i.e., supply chain management. You’ll find our professors to have industrial experience, as well as being academically suited to impart their knowledge, to bolster your career!

According to, as a whole, workers in the category of supply chain manager earn a median annual salary of $105,610.  Two-thirds of supply chain managers have a bachelor’s degree, while 19 percent have a master’s degree and 10 percent pursue some kind of post-baccalaureate certificate like a graduate certificate in optimization and supply chain management.

“Obtaining my certificate in Supply Chain Management from ÐÔÊӽ紫ý gave me the boost I need to exceed my current employers qualifications as a Contract Specialist. Without the certificate, I was just another job seeker with a Master’s in Business Administration”. - Kristopher Bankhead

"The program has been very beneficial and each class was valuable information that I will use in my career. The case studies are good indicators on issues that might pop up again in my career and they showed me some different perspectives on how to approach such issues." - Carlos Flores ('20)